Drufusan N
Remineralizing supplement
Particularly useful in osteoporosis, to promote healing of bone fractures, and in the treatment of brittle hair. It is suitable for adults, children, sportsmen and pregnant women, promoting physical well-being.
Ingredients: Acidum silicicum, Calcium fluoratum, Calcium phosphoricum, Calcium sulfuricum, Cuprum metallicum, Ferrum phosphoricum, Kalium arsenicosum, Kalium bromatum, Kalium chloratum, Kalium jodatum, Kalium sulfuricum, Natrium chloratum, Natrium phosphoricum, Natrium sulfuricum.Method of use: 1 sachet daily, preferably away from meals, even for long periods.
Packaging: 20 5g pouches.
Manufactured by Homeosyn Italia and distributed by Italfarmacia.